Wednesday, July 17, 2013

New Picture Books!!!

Penny and Her Marble
- Penny
feels guilty after taking a beautiful blue marble that she sees in Mrs. Goodwin's grass, but gets a pleasant surprise when she goes to return it the next day. 
Ol' Mama Squirrel- Ol' Mama Squirrel has raised many babies and kept them all safe from predators, but she may have met her match when a determined grizzly bear threatens to eat her entire family tree.

Ball- While searching for someone to play ball with him, a dog dreams of fantastical adventures he could have with his ball
The Dark
- Laszlo is afraid of the dark which lives in the same big, creaky house as him, until one night the dark pays him a visit.
Papa's Mechanical Fish- In the summer of 1851, with encouragement and ideas provided by his family, an inventor builds a working submarine and takes his family for a ride. Includes notes about Lodner Phillips, the real inventor on whom the story is based. 
Want to Be In A Band?- Describes the hard work, cooperation, and enthusiasm needed to make music and participate in a band.

The Boy and the Airplane- A wordless picture book in which a boy comes up with an inventive solution for getting his toy airplane down from the roof. 
Lucky Ducklings- While following their mother through town, five little ducklings, Pippin, Bippin, Tippin, Dippin and Little Joe, all fall into a storm drain.

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