Tuesday, May 11, 2010

New Books on CD and Beginner Readers

Rhyming Dust Bunnies

Franny K. Stein: Frantastic Voyage - Reduced to miniature size, Franny travels through her pet dog's nostril and into his stomach.

Annie and Snowball and the Cozy Nest - Annie and her bunny watch and wait as a nest is built above the porch swing, and eventually they get to see the mother bird feeding her babies.

The Great Alaska Adventure! - During a week-long trip to Alaska with his scientist-parents and younger sister, nine-year-old Benjamin observes the effects of climate change in preparation for writing a research paper for school.

Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa: Spring Babies - Cowgirl Kate and her horse Cocoa watch over the new calves, a puppy, and some baby barn owls.

Roscoe Riley Rules #5 - When his friend Emma gets a pair of tap shoes, Roscoe thinks they make the coolest sound ever. So he gets his own tap shoes and joins Emma for lessons. But there's one problem. Roscoe is the only boy in the dance class.

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